Is There a Pipeline Problem In Accounting?

Is There a Pipeline Problem In Accounting?

Staffing services and consulting firms report that demand for accounting staff is rising. This may be true, but a major barrier to filling these positions is accounting’s waning popularity. You’ve heard the statistics: fewer students are choosing accounting as a major, and fewer CPAs are licensed each year.  Recent declines in tax departments’ staff and…

Daily Habits of Successful Businessmen that will Generate you a lot of Cash

Daily Habits of Successful Businessmen that will Generate you a lot of Cash

It is true that hard work is not enough for the success of business. It is equally essential to make sure that you have some extra routine to improve your business. A routine is the way to success and these habits are those that make sure that you have a great routine for your business….

A.I. And Its Effects on Bookkeeping and Accounting

A.I. And Its Effects on Bookkeeping and Accounting

Bookkeeping is one of the most important aspects of a business and also one of the most time-consuming. A.I. is already changing different aspects of our lives, but how will it affect bookkeeping?  This article will look into different changes that could happen in the accounting and bookkeeping industry, and how A.I. will help make…

Blockchain and Accountancy

Blockchain and Accountancy

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have probably heard of the term “blockchain” being used in facebook posts, news articles, and your daily conversations. But what is blockchain used for? The simplest answer to that question is… EVERYTHING!  Specifically, in the accounting and bookkeeping field, blockchain is used in a number of…

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